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ILH-IO04-85SL- SC201-WIR200. ILS, OSLON Black PowerStar 850nm IR LED Array, PCB SMD package
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ILH-IO04-85SL- SC201-WIR200. ILS, OSLON Black PowerStar 850nm IR LED Array, PCB SMD package

Displays & Optoelectronics\LEDs - Light Emitting Diodes\IR LEDsPowerStar IR LED Arrays - IR OSLON Black 4: The Oslon 4 PowerStar IR series of IR LED arrays, from Intelligent LED Solutions, feature 4 Osram IR Oslon Black Series IR LEDs. PowerStars are compact, powerful LED light sources built on aluminium substrates for optimal thermal management, they are pre-wired with 200mm wires as standard. The versatile IR Oslon 4 Powerstar LED arrays are ideal for a wide range of applications including: surveillance systems, IR illumination for cameras, machine vision, night vision light and driver assistance systems.
Angle of Half Intensity ±45°
Lens Shape Dome
Mounting Type Surface Mount
Number of LEDs 4
Number of Pins 2
Package Type PCB
Peak Wavelength 850nm
Radiant Flux 4120mW
Radiant Intensity 4280 mW
Series OSLON Black PowerStar
Вес, г 5

Дмитрий Тест

Хороший проц



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